“Stay in the now, let your eyes gaze softly towards the future, remain unattached to the outcome, and find meaning in the moment. Deal with what comes, as it comes.”



Trevor is a teacher, author and facilitator who uses Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy to help people find meaning and purpose.

Twenty-Two Lessons For Now

Twenty-two Lessons for Now is an intelligent, witty, and easy-to-read guide to crafting a life of meaning and joy.

I Matter

Trevor’s flagship course that assists individuals and employees to deal with stress and burnout by thinking clearly, cultivating optimism and communicating assertively.


You will be invited to many parties, meetings and events in your life. More often than not, you will have something else to do – a reason not to go and an excuse to say no. Don’t! As much as possible – and wherever possible – if life invites you, it wants you to say “Yes”. Answer the phone. Buy the ticket. Get on the bus – you never know where the journey will take you. Sometimes, ‘showing up’ is also about being a cheerleader for your own life. Make your own needs a priority and act accordingly. It is hard to show up for others when you are not showing up for yourself!

Sometimes, in the pursuit of a dream, we become overwhelmed by the ‘bigness’ of it. Often, the magnitude of the task stops us from taking that first step. Usually, the first step is simply to show up. Showing up defeats procrastination. When you take the first step you turn impossible into possible – just by taking action, any action, you will find yourself in a new place. When you show up, you ‘unlock your inaction’. Life takes care of the details when you listen to its nudges. Don’t ignore them. The nudges become your destiny.

“I Matter has opened my mind in ways I never imagined possible. People at work smile more, listen better, and even work harder! I told my boss, the other day, that it is like a dream come true.” 


Park Lane Radiology


“A powerful, beautifully written and heartfelt manual for life! So much wisdom packed tightly into succinct and valuable life lessons. Read it, re-read it, share it and live it!”

CARIN MARCUS, Clinical Social Work / Logotherapist